



移民評估 專家解惑

      世貿通獨家報道:2015年12月4日,備受期待的安提瓜和巴布達外交部長Honourable Charles Henry Fernandez、安提瓜和巴布達駐阿聯酋大使Mr. Ernell Casroy James和凱萊潞琦項目董事Mr. Nitin Singhal一行,聯合世貿通的中國首次推介會,在北京隆重召開,並取得圓滿成功。會上,安提瓜和巴布達外交部長就推介項目——凱萊潞琦豪華度假村項目發表精彩演講,全文實錄如下:

  Ladies and Gentlemen Good morning

  Please allow me to start by extending a special thank you to conference organizer of Worldly Group. We are very grateful to them for making this event possible for a small micro economy like ours to showcase the Callaloo Cay project in particular and our beautiful island - by extension.

  Antigua was first discovered by Europeans because of its strategic location on the Trade Wind route from Europe.Today it remains a key destination for tourists attracted by its stunning physical attributes and proximity to key markets in Europe and North America. Tourism is the main driver of the economy, generating in excess of 90% of our foreign exchange and 80% of the commercial activity. Antigua is the air transport hub of the Eastern Caribbean, with direct connections to the United Kingdom, mainland Europe, Canada and United States of America. To ensure we maintain our position as the sub-regional hub, a new state of the art fully equipped US$150M airport facility was opened in August of this year.

  Our country is a stable ‘Westminster’ style democracy with a well-established legal and regulatory framework, supporting civil and commercial relationships, a highly educated work force with skills and abilities for a modern economy.

  Antigua and Barbuda is an active and committed member of the International community, with membership in:

  • United Nations,• OAS (Organization of American States)• Commonwealth• WTO

  Since coming into office on June 12th 2014 our Prime Minister, the Honourable Gaston Browne, has challenged those within the Diplomatic Core, members of the public & private sectors and particularly each member of his Cabinet to realize the vision of transforming Antigua and Barbuda into an “Economic Powerhouse”. Our small island is comprised of ordinary people who have been known to accomplish extra-ordinary feats in the region and on the world stage - in politics, sports and track and field.

  We are firmly of the view that attaining the Vision as set forth by the Hon. Prime Minister will be the next major achievement by the people of Antigua and Barbuda.

  There are seven (7) identified pillars on which the transformational process will be based over the next 5 to 10 years, they are as follows.

  1. Sound Fiscal & Debt Management – The goal is to bring our debt levels to well within prudential benchmark of 60% of Gross Domestic Product over the next 5 years.

  2. Aggressive yet sustainable Economic Expansion through increased Foreign Direct Investments and Job creation.

  3. Crime Management and Improved national Security for the populace.

  4. Enhanced Energy efficiency with a gradual migration to Renewable and Sustainable energy to be able to generate 20% of our consumption levels within the next 5 years.

  5. Developing our Human Resource Capacity to include one tertiary level graduate in every household over the next five to ten years

  6. Promoting the Development of the Sister island of Barbuda – Barbuda is currently the recipient of one of the largest investments to date since the new administration took office. The referred Investment is a $250 million dollar high end resort development by Paradise found a company owned by Film Star Mr. Robert Di Nero and business man James Packer of Australia.

  7. Sports and Culture – The Government is focused on providing the support mechanism to groom our young and talented sports figures to ensure that Antigua and Barbuda has a cadre of athletes represented at the highest levels including the Olympic events. Antigua has never medaled at the Olympics. This is another feat that we hope to accomplish over the next 5 to 10 years.

  Each identified pillar would require a separate session for discussion and full analysis, which is not the intention of this exercise. The reason for highlighting these seven initiatives is to show the context within which the Vision of the “Economic Powerhouse” will be systematically attained. It is important to note that Visions require funding.

  The Citizenship by Investment Programme (CIP) is one such funding mechanism for the Government and People of Antigua and Barbuda. Our government intends to maximize on the opportunities presented by the CIP to attain this Vision and significantly improve the lives of the ordinary citizens. It is the intention of the government to manage this program with the utmost care and responsibility; with emphasis on adopting industry best practice governance and operating structures. We recognize that sustainability and long-term viability of the Programme is quintessential to accomplishing these extraordinary milestones.

  By way of background, the 2008 global financial crisis presented grave challenges for many nations including Antigua and Barbuda. The country was faced with a contracting economy, shrinking revenues, and global credit crunch among other factors. Despite the global challenges the Government had to meet continuing expectations of our citizens for support, services and economic growth. The Government understood the need for public investment programs to support economic development. The Citizenship by Investment Programme was one such initiative considered - to achieve these investment goals.

  The Programme provides three investment options.

  • A contribution to the National Development Fund (NDF),

  • Purchase of real estate in an approved project - such as the Callaloo Cay Resort, or

  • Investment in an approved business.

  Ambassador Casroy James, will share more details on the real estate option related to the Callaloo Cay Resort.

  I wish to welcome you to visit the twin island state of Antigua and Barbuda and experience for yourself why we are referred to as the “Gem of the Caribbean”. Come enjoy our 365 beaches, warm hospitality, historical sites, world class cuisine and famous festivals and events.

  I further assure you that Antigua and Barbuda is open for business and extremely serious about maintaining our important relationships with our international partners including the UK, Canada, USA and the Schengen members. We are committed to keeping your interest and concerns central as we administer the Programme and seek to develop our economy.

  Firstly, Mobility: Antigua and Barbuda has visa free access to over one hundred and thirty countries, and we are presently working through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to increase that number to make our Passport an even higher Premium Travel Document.

  We are the number one CIP program in the Caribbean and we intent to ensure that the Antigua and Barbuda product will be the Premium Brand not just regionally - but also internationally.

  Secondly, Sustainability: As was alluded to before, this program is important to Antigua and Barbuda.

  It provides us with much needed revenue to assist with Health Care; Education; Security; and Infrastructure projects.

  It has also stimulated tremendous investment projects which will result in thousands of jobs.

  Therefore my Government - The Government of Antigua - is committed to work with all stakeholders to ensure the continued viability and sustainability of this important Citizen By Investment programme.

  Finally, again i would like to affirm my Government’s Commitment in this Calalloo Cay Resort joint partnership of which the Government of Antigua and Barbuda has a twenty (20%) percent equity stake. We realize that His Excellency Shaikh Tarik Bin Faisal Al Qassemi has many other locations to invest. However, we are - after careful due diligence - certain that His Excellency is in a position to deliver on the proposed high end development and we therefore committed a 20% stake and a plethora of concessions to ensure its future viability.

  Thank you!







  • 聯合國;• 美洲國家組織;• 英聯邦; 國際貿易組織。

  我們尊敬的總理Gaston Browne先生自2014年6月12日上任以來,就一直積極推動外事辦核心成員以及公私各部門人員的工作,包括其內閣中每一名官員,旨在實現把安提瓜和巴布達改造成“經濟發動機”的願景。我們島國雖小,人民也普通,但在地區乃至世界的政治、田徑體育舞台上創造了諸多不凡事迹。








  第六、推動姊妹島巴布達的開發——自新政府班子上任以來,巴布達島是獲得外資投資最多的島嶼之一。電影明星Robert Di Nero和澳洲商人James Parker共同擁有的公司Paradise在島上投資了2.5億美元建造豪華度假村。






  • 向國家發展基金捐款;

  • 通過購買獲批項目的房地産——比如凱萊潞琦豪華度假村 ;

  • 投資獲批的商業項目。

  Casroy James大使一會兒會分享有關凱萊潞琦豪華度假村 項目的更多細節。










  最後,我想向大家再次證實一下我國政府在凱萊潞琦豪華度假村項目中的合作承諾。安提瓜和巴布達政府在該項目中持有20%的股份。我們也知道阿聯酋皇室成員 Shaikh Tarik Bin Faisal Al Qassemi閣下還有其他多處投資,但經過缜密的盡職調查後,我們確信Shaikh閣下能夠完成這個由他提議的高端項目,所以我們承諾投資20%並授予了一系列特許權來確保項目的可行性。














